这部纪录片向我们揭示了互联网带给我们生活的影响。 A documentary focusing on the life of dot-*** entrepreneur Josh Harris, and his exploits over the last decade.
第44届卡罗维发利国际电影节:最佳纪录片 特别提名奖-长度30分钟以上。
13D 2010-03-17
josh is someone who doesnt born in his time...but hes a god...
夏雨 2012-03-20
看完只讓我聯想到paranormal activity.......
hileon 2010-07-09
10年前josh预测了我们现在的**生存状况,并倾其所有付诸实验. 今天我们正生存在他的语言中! 没看到josh最后去爱塞尔比亚干什么,对这样没有隐私的生存状况厌倦了吗?
海上飞来丘比特 2013-05-22
An interesting figure, and idea to think about. Perhaps, most of it are even true. But a true artist to me, is not a self absorbed, ignorant, egotistical, selfish and cruel ******* who plays other people's emotions and doesn't give a **** about who he's hurting.
under_10k✨ 2021-11-11
Horrible filmmaking and bullshit art.
**电影 2010-03-10
夕岸 2011-11-30
James Cool 2022-08-24
离净语 2016-11-29
歌莲 2012-05-14
josh harris is a man who has a vision and delusion. everything you like and share on the internet is not yours anymore. it's like we live in public.