"[...] But there was no one like me. Until Jesse Walsh. He had a certain something that I recognized right away. I saw it in the way he wore his pastel ***** (the type of ***** I longed to wear but didn't dare). I saw it in the way he gazed into the eyes of his best friend [...]. But most of all I saw it in the way he carried himself. He seemed confident. Comfortable with himself. He was proof that there was a world where it was okay to be that way. [...] Because it was maybe the first time I felt like I was going to be okay. That there might be a world where there were other people like Jesse Walsh. ** people." - Carter
乌鸦火堂 2012-04-30
勾陈 2018-06-01
kylegun 2013-09-07
crystal 2010-09-23
第二部明显不如第一部!!!有点扯- - 第一部好说,可以解释成梦境,可第二部呢?那时很流行鬼扒开人的皮“穿越”嘛,《群尸玩过界》玩过同样的把戏。。最后结局明显还未完结。。而且结局更扯
请勿打扰 2023-04-02
应该算系列最好的一部,但还是看得人坐立难安,总觉得g那个v的要素很齐全。。。奇怪的凝视方式,就像针对女性的男凝拍了个男版,看评论里说设定像毒液( 仔细一想应该算精神分析片,如果从这个角度出发逻辑会非常通顺(**自己是不受欢迎的怪胎)(与心魔(某种**)对抗),且比上一部自洽。开场时那段没看懂?仅仅是为了和结尾达成回环吗。 这一部的女主也比一般恐怖片更具有行**,比上部女权一点..男主成为了被拯救的对象,女主的我爱你嘴炮让他「going back」。 女性经历的外部侵犯的恐怖,男性经历的内部焦虑恐怖,结合好莱坞的编剧书看看,可以理解导演在想什么。同性的切入点其实选的很有意思,如果主角设计成大老粗直男,主题就又变成反抗父权了。。
劉老湿 2012-07-05
拣尽寒枝 2012-03-07
lostmore 2019-09-18
十一伏特 2023-03-06
猛鬼附上身,失去了第一部梦境与现实交织的意境,降格为恶魔附身式的普通设定。如果拿梦境去套设定,都没法说通到底是在谁的梦里,那只能理解为弗雷迪真就跑到现实里兴风作浪。感觉不怎么恐怖。 选用男青年来当恐怖片的主角,有些情景可能无意间包含***潜台词。据说,女主演肯·迈尔斯可能就是因为长相酷似梅丽尔·斯特里普才被选中参演的。
乔治洗衣机 2022-09-26
"[...] But there was no one like me. Until Jesse Walsh. He had a certain something that I recognized right away. I saw it in the way he wore his pastel ***** (the type of ***** I longed to wear but didn't dare). I saw it in the way he gazed into the eyes of his best friend [...]. But most of all I saw it in the way he carried himself. He seemed confident. Comfortable with himself. He was proof that there was a world where it was okay to be that way. [...] Because it was maybe the first time I felt like I was going to be okay. That there might be a world where there were other people like Jesse Walsh. ** people." - Carter