《篮球兄弟 第三季》又名青山镇 第三季、独木岭 第三季。
Besides a love for hoops, it would seem that Lucas and Nathan are two young men with little in common - except for the dark secret that they share the same father. Arrogant and assured, Nathan is the star of the high school basketball team and hails from the wealthiest family in town. Quiet, brooding and driven, Lucas is a loner, the only child of a single working mom. He's alw...
AileenEverglow 2014-10-18
现在超级喜欢Brooke和Haley这两个名字 想着以后要是生女儿这两个名字也不错 叫B是因为希望她可以成长为brooke那样的** 叫H是如愿她能遇到Nathan那样的男人 。。。我果然是疯了= =
孙洗澡 2011-01-07
Cherry樱桃之远 2015-04-03
我为啥又在重看OTH,第三季有几集真的拍得蛮好的,school shooting这一集在2006年应该是蛮先锋了,尤其是在这种cliche **** drama里能够拍相对严肃的事情。
Findluck 2010-09-02
北海道小甜筒 2011-11-22
pretty dramatic this sesaon~school shooting...o(╯▽╰)o
水星人阿嘭嘭 2011-03-18
她叫他Boyfriend,他叫她Pretty girl,Brucas最美好的一季。But he's not the guy for you, Brooke Davis.
很棒一只咪 2023-05-24
没见过Brooke这么好的女孩子 悔死
Nathan 2010-04-12
〇 2017-03-30
With tired eyes,tired mind,tired souls,we slept.But everything gets better. 16集太经典了
笨蛋美人莫拉塔 2022-05-18
high school至此结束了,看到他们的prom场景也会想起高三偷偷在被窝里看oth的时光🥹