A courageous young World War II gunner and aspiring cartoonist, trapped in the belly of a B-17 aircraft, has only his imagination as a force that might be able to save him.
Dubious quality, with a few solid shorts camouflaged here & there. Haven't watched all of them, only the best ones according to forums. In order of preference: Mirror Mirror (by Scorsese), Mummy Daddy, Secret Cinema, Go to the Head of Class, The Doll, The Mission, Family Dog.
吃瓜也要看颜值 2022-11-07
"Unglaubliche Geschichten"德版DVD目前已经发行第一季,即前24集。
弥撒之夜 2020-12-30
Svolta! 2016-06-26
Dubious quality, with a few solid shorts camouflaged here & there. Haven't watched all of them, only the best ones according to forums. In order of preference: Mirror Mirror (by Scorsese), Mummy Daddy, Secret Cinema, Go to the Head of Class, The Doll, The Mission, Family Dog.
罗西基 2010-08-24
NoirSky 2020-09-07
25年看过要破万 2023-01-06
看了 S1E19 马丁斯科塞斯那集 mirror,mirror,没字幕但能看明白是什么故事,能看到别人看不到的东西真的蛮恐怖吼
QING 2020-04-08
很喜欢!尤其第二个故事,哭了@@ 每个故事都是一个短篇小说,和时**行故事不同之处在于每个故事都有自己的天真、纯真,还在相信着一些东西。
最** 2022-03-29
深海潜水狗 2020-05-07
***通过时空传说讲的是**间纯真的爱情, 第二集通过生死瞬间讲的是朋友间真挚的友情, 第三集通过漫画故事讲的是亲人间亲密的亲情, 通过科幻,其实更多的是让我们去体会人之间深刻感情沟通与交流, 所以我看了三集觉得这部电视更多侧重的人文关怀,这是斯皮尔伯格回归想要重点诉说的地方。