Teeth are as tough as a stone but as fragile as marriage. The secret lives of dentists is not a secret but a story of a nondescript stone. The hysterical aftermath of a glimpse of her being flirted by another man is like a fever lasting time to cool down until he recovered from vomiting.
百草味 2016-07-23
龟掌拨清波 2016-06-13
选择性全知视角or固定人物有限视角,透过360度牙医*爸Dave的内心挣扎来感知一场婚姻危机,下意识去压抑的猜忌、害怕、怨气和病态心理通过Dave主观投***的找茬病人Slater("slay her")、种种难以自抑的幻象(nostalgic reminessance & illusions of betrayal)以及弥漫全家的一次流感来表达和释放。
橙子换马甲 2011-12-08
George C. Scott的儿子演一个绝世好男人真是无法想象啊…对婚姻没兴趣的人都可以看看这片,就可以reinforce自己的想法了><
小悬子 2017-02-01
2017.01.31 一场家庭危机的始末,对主人公心理的描绘非常精彩,叽叽喳喳的三个小女儿,尤其是最小的那个,简直是神来之笔。
Listerine 2019-07-21
Teeth are as tough as a stone but as fragile as marriage. The secret lives of dentists is not a secret but a story of a nondescript stone. The hysterical aftermath of a glimpse of her being flirted by another man is like a fever lasting time to cool down until he recovered from vomiting.
dannyboy 2009-12-16