《寄往美国的信》又名Pismo v Ameriku。
An unacknowledged poet Igor (Sergei Chetvertkov) is taping a video-letter to his ex-girlfriend who emigrated to America. The taping is interrupted by scenes from his life. Igor lives on the money he gets from renting out his own apartment. The tenant (with whom he apparently was previously on intimate terms) is trying to pay him with her body instead of cash. The video-letter i...
看不见的城市 2010-12-24
普普通通吧。倒是幕后挺有意思的,这是她首部短片(65岁),超现实与现实的结合,不过她自己觉得是第四部,因为之前的《Three Stories》算三部短片。 她没有给演员报酬,只提供了摄影机和胶片而已,室内那一段据说是在她自家的公寓里拍的。
stknight 2012-03-06
小A 2011-08-09
7.75 对白“体裁”的堆砌——方言,文学语言,脏话,日常用语——是锦上添花的内容,不能决定性地影响对白的质量。