Based on true events. On the edges of Las Vegas, 17-year-old Andrew's life is spiraling out of control. Unable to cope with the loss of his father, Andrew's descent into drugs and violence is gaining momentum, and the once promising young man is now headed for self-destruction (in what Variety calls "an especially blistering performance by Monty Lapica"). Andrew's mother (Golde...
影片中的故事源自检察工作的实践,是检察机关履行职责、铲除**的真实写照,充分展示了当**察官“忠诚、为民、公正、清廉”的形象 。是一部关于反腐倡廉的力作,充满社会正能量 。
花农 2010-05-25
it's better than i thought, but a bit confuse in the end when the compound was found guilty at the way of treating patients.