《完美的谋杀》又名The Perfect Murder。
Henri and his brother Paul attend the reading of their uncle's will, and learn that their Aunt Rosalie inherits everything, but that after her death the two nephews are to share the income from the estate. The excitement of the two brothers is tempered by their present lack of resources. Rosalie has little regard for either of her nephews, and she determines to outlive them bot...
最** 2019-04-10
S1E24,完美的误杀,还以为鹦鹉会成为key ****。
蜉蝣渡海 2019-08-23
Indecent time 2018-08-21
纸风筱龙 2015-12-16
Boschugo 2021-11-26
ReMinD 2024-02-24
哈哈 聪明的老太太 耍的人团团转啊。厉害。
以好不以新 2018-11-08
《希区柯克剧场》S01E24《The Perfect Murder》三星半。自作聪明的**技巧,却抵不过一些巧合,弟弟死的也太冤了。
ekips 2024-04-21
S01E24。 不稳定因素导致的周密计划功亏一篑。
Badula 2022-12-24
S01E24 what? 确定这么糙次不出来的吗?