A year after the euphoria on Tahrir Square, the demonstrators' goals have not even come close to being reached. The country is ruled with an iron fist and there is still no democracy. The 'eye of the world' has moved elsewhere. How things have been in Egypt since 25 January 2011 is explained using five portraits of people from various walks of life. What have the sacrifices on ...
第36届香港国际电影节:纪录片竞赛 评审团奖。
第36届香港国际电影节:纪录片竞赛 火鸟大奖(提名)。
Dorothy 2012-03-31
德 2012-04-04
HKIFF 2012,#11,《重返塔希爾廣場》,和平**後,軍政權比穆巴拉克更獨裁,人民生活更困苦,**之路仍然遙遠,只要勇氣還在,***始終會開。影片新鮮熱辣奪得香港電影節最佳紀錄片。
熊仔俠 2012-03-31
2012.3.30,Kowloon The Grand,Asian Premiere;導演親臨現場。從我所提問他的問題得知,他下個星期繼續拍續集。他透露是5個女藝術家為紀錄片主角。