Alex Riley explores the world of the technology superbrands - how they get us to buy their stuff, trust them and even idolise them. He meets the supergeeks who are inventing the future and finds out how some of the most powerful companies in the world really make their billions. E1 technology Alex takes a closer look at some of the most powerful technology brands in the world -...
Kealio 2018-09-19
Apple:在其他手机品牌关注硬件时进行了软件的升维。保持神秘感,让粉丝产生宗教式狂热。 Google:基于Android和搜索引擎大数据的用户画像,成为商业端和用户的桥梁。各*装品牌:为不同层级消费者打造属于他们的产品。找每个层级认为的理想形象者代言。奢侈品:*务了人本能的繁殖目的带来的攀比心理。
积木 2011-08-15
覆盖了科技 时尚 食物里的超级品牌 最重要的是有从神经学方面来做实验
ofelia11 2016-04-26
一颗大豆 2024-04-10
dac 2017-07-05
Secrets of the Superbrands (2011)
双层芝士 2012-11-09
用MRI核磁共振成像跟宗教理论解密乔布斯的Apple,吐槽微软,SONY的亏损竟然跟***产业有关... 非常有趣的关于品牌跟商业的纪录片 5星
yaky 2012-11-11
蟲 2011-11-09
伯努利的** 2018-05-11
疯疯爱 2014-07-05
*** 3 documentary with many interesting explorations! worthy to view!