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遥望夜空系列第700集特辑。Patrick Moore自1957年开始主持仰望夜空系列,这次特意将拍摄地点安排在萨塞克斯郡的家中。本期特别邀请物理学家Brian Cox、喜剧演员Jon Culshaw、**天文学家Martin Rees一起回答观众的提问。在这一集中,Patrick Moore遇到了年轻时的自己……
The longest-running programme with the same presenter in television history, fascinating!
‘If I've achieved anything in ** life, I hope I've tried to interest a few other people in astronomy.’—Patrick Moore
sarah🇺🇦 2012-03-28
The longest-running programme with the same presenter in television history, fascinating!
@lphelia 2011-11-11
‘If I've achieved anything in ** life, I hope I've tried to interest a few other people in astronomy.’—Patrick Moore