At the seaside, on the beach, two people experience extreme situations. A beautiful Western mother asks a gypsy boy to look after her 4 year old baby; a husband and father fights ennui by flirting with the same beautiful foreigner while teaching her how to swim. But the story takes a different course when the beautiful mother disappears in the waves and the gypsy boy realises t...
舞子 2024-12-07
UCCA**尼亚短片新浪潮8 |色调与质感分外迷人,死亡平静到没有任何预兆,刺眼的阳光下蔓延的冷意。
胤祥 2010-11-03
三岛 2024-12-09
@UCCA 可以拓展为长片《阳光下的腐烂》
七月在野* 2024-12-07
#**尼亚影像·短片新浪潮#08 @ UCCA。那个瞬间真是惊到。几组人物的设计都有亮点。
陈奇 2024-12-12
罗曼 2024-12-08
岛礁 2024-12-15