《辩护大状瑟多夫》又名Zashchitnik Sedov、Defence Counsel Sedov。
Lovely Glasnot era piece, broadcast in the UK in the Soviet Spring Season from way back. There may be a better rip out there, perhaps the presence of this one will wake people up to what a good film it is and we’ll see the better version. Just when you thought glasnost had allowed Soviet film-makers to say all there was to say about the horrors of the Stalin years, along comes ...
柏林苍穹下 2012-11-21
纪月航 2012-11-28
漩涡之外 2023-08-21
蘇小北 2012-11-19
3.5 這個導演拍卡夫卡一定會還不錯。
熊仔俠 2012-10-04