"Inflation", in the year of its 80th Birthday and in tribute to 'Helicopter' Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve ******. Made by the legendary filmmaker Hans Richter in Germany (1928); a warning from the past. (In January, 1921, there were 64 marks to the dollar.
stknight 2011-05-11
"Inflation", in the year of its 80th Birthday and in tribute to 'Helicopter' Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve ******. Made by the legendary filmmaker Hans Richter in Germany (1928); a warning from the past. (In January, 1921, there were 64 marks to the dollar.
姜乌归 2017-12-05
焚紙樓 2019-05-30
Hans Richter最直奔主題的一支默片?
胤祥 2012-03-06
Panda的影音 2020-02-18
通货膨胀 Inflation (1928):https://***.bilibili****/video/av71592314 —— 片中的部分剪辑方式,如今的电影或者新闻等有时也会见到。
我们在一九八四 2018-09-11
欛鱳 2021-05-30
8.5/10 【“图像超市”@红砖美术馆】如何用影像论证通货膨胀?Richter诉诸叠印与蒙太奇,将****的phantasmagoria及其崩溃予以**-诗-交响乐性质的呈现;在今天或许更具有批判性的思路是,这种幻景又是如何从一次次崩溃中再次聚合碎片维系自身之顽固不散的?
mecca 2017-12-21
flying dollars, 0-500000... hovering ghostly faces remind me of 景观社会 La Société du spectacle / Guy Debord / 1973 (1d-64m back in 1921)
看守煙霧的人 2013-10-20
奈德来福 2014-06-07