The war has ended and now the country is attempting to recover both emotionally, and financially with the sale of "Victory Bonds." It's a busy time as a young woman appeals to the railroad agent for a ticket on a train headed to Washington, D.C., where her brother is hospitalized to recuperate from wounds sustained during battle. She's turned away with the suggestion that she g...
杨浦小囡 2017-05-14
张小强 2012-04-07
似马马马马难追 2016-10-01
余啸 2023-06-06
指示剂于2022年发行的《Remember the night》限量**修复版蓝光,收录的花絮 派拉蒙请明星们出镜号召老百姓购买债权的爱国主义短片,二战时期,好莱坞明星与**的关系其实还是挺紧密的。热热闹闹,唱唱跳跳的影像,我相信对战争年代生活在焦虑与恐惧中的人们来说,是一味心灵的良药与释放