El Paris, a town located somewhere uncertain, but in our time. Quasimodo is hunchbacked, bald, deaf. He takes size 47 in shoes and is contented. However, 20 years ago, his destiny was stolen from him: his parents, finding him too ugly, entrusted him to the fundamentalist arch-deacon of the town, Frollo and had him replaced by a Cuban girl, Esméralda. Now terror reigns in El Par...
豆友1167238 2007-01-12
兮称 2011-06-04
明明是现代版巴黎**院,翻译**了吧 ~。~
Aletheia 2020-07-09
小肉丸子_S 2010-01-26
典型的**片 最惊魂的还是女主角 海上钢琴师里的loli味全蜕变了。。。唉。。。
谷神 2017-04-04