The feeling of uneasiness instilled by Michaël Borremans (b. 1963) and the technical virtuosity in so much of his work speak to us. The references to Flemish painting and even **** so to Manet come to mind, but represented scenes bring us closer to the present-day world with echoes of 40s movies and most of all to Belgian surrealism.
阿基拉的拖拉機 2014-05-15
地球包围外星人 2018-01-02
Daniel 2014-05-17
jiyun 2014-05-20
吹口琴 弹吉他 有个萌女儿 有品位 画家
santawhale 2023-11-02
西装革履工作的画家,神采奕奕地介绍委拉斯贵支的长笔刷,不喜欢在白底上作画,“being creative is a big part of ** identity”,手稿小图超有魅力。
therethere 2014-04-27
窺看創作者的創作過程總是有趣而有益的。"You paint **** carefully, conscious that you are wearing a suit?" "Careful isn't the right word, I think, you're **** focused, but you can't be too concentrated or careful, coz' then you make constipated work."