In 1934, Conrad Aiken wrote his most famous short story, "Silent Snow, Secret Snow." It went on to become one of the most widely read American short stories of the 20th-century. 37 years later in 1971, Rod Serling's Night Gallery would adapt this short tale as part of its weekly anthology series. With a teleplay and direction by Emmy Award-nominated Gene R. Kearney, the episode...
somewhaire 2010-08-03
Prefer 1966 black-white version to the 1971's colour version. Book: ***.daily-pulp****/horror/silent-snow-secret-snow/
丹妮姑娘 2019-04-01
先看的小说,无比喜欢小说里对主人公Paul心理**的描写所以找来了17分钟的电影版。 除了部分镜头转换有些生硬,总体还是很不错的,跟原著基本一个调调。尤其是老电影的质感和六十年代末的配乐,代入感很强。
唐伯猫 2011-06-12
deep into a dream world of snow
stknight 2010-12-10
康拉德·艾肯最著名的短篇故事改编而来的,1971年影视化之后收入在著名的电视剧集《Night Gallery》中。在*******上可以找到这部时长17分钟的片子。影片由奥森·威尔斯旁白,再配上诡异的配乐,营造了一种神秘还带点恐怖的氛围。片子跟男孩的梦境有关,有些超现实主义的影子
beanoboy 2019-10-03
淘气包 2010-10-15
流光 2008-11-22
Orson Welles的旁白让人听得毛囊耸立