罹患绝症的玛勒迪和父亲坐在大木轮中的餐厅里,一个小女孩走进来把餐厅翻了个底朝天。死去的玛勒迪被父亲带到了河边,这个小女孩却让她重获生命。 Malody is terminally ill. She sits with her father in a restaurant inside a big wooden wheel. A little girl enters and turns the restaurant upside down. Malody dies and is taken to a river by her dad. She is brought back to life by the little girl. **竞赛单元,2012年**豪森**短片电影节 / International Competition, Internat...
把噗 2012-10-15
是灰小猫啊 2013-02-03
#有看没有懂#之一, 失重状态原来是几个人滚大圆桶么!