《波罗的海海盗》又名Pirates of the Baltic Sea。
East Fresia 1401: the era of the feared sea pirates Klaus Störtebeker and Gödeke Michels is coming to an end. After a long period with no booty at last a bulging ship appears on the horizon. However, Störtebeker is badly wounded in the attempted capture and the pirates suffer ignominious defeat. Not only their ship is down the drain - Störtebeker himself is suddenly plagued by ...
| 2012-06-13
1.其他的搅基双雄片和这部比起来真的弱爆了 2.配乐很摇滚 剧情比较乱 3.小**表演偏向舞台剧化 耳目一新 还很抢戏 4.看主办方发的照片这部片在上海电影节上映时叫"疯狂海盗" 区别于06 TV版
石小po 2010-12-19
小麦 2011-08-15
很好看 剧情很充实 一个字喜欢
bye-byes 2011-02-02
Tingalein 2015-06-25
20个小明≯ 2012-11-30
**后浪える酱 2014-08-14
Aber auch einer der berühmtesten Antihelden der deutschen Historie kommt in *** Jahre oder besser gesagt in *** Midlife Crisis.
maxmin 2011-07-10