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《Punk Love》又名The City They Fell。

Set in the rainy environs of Oregon and Washington, Punk Love is the story of two forlorn lovers, searching for that elusive Hollywood Ending to the story of their dreams. Sarah is a lost 15-year-old, trapped in an unloving home, in a dreary small ***** mill town. When she meets Spike, she envisions a new life for herself. Falling in love, Sarah and Spike go on a crime spree of...


大鲤妤 2009-07-08

在没有字幕情况下看了几遍 整个片子充斥着忧伤 误解 伤害 消极 黑色 看这类型的片子 会被影响 **不能释怀 但还是会被主人公坎坷的命运所牵引 看给终究