In the heart of New York ****, men are dying in very violent ways. They are being torn up and ripped apart...and eaten. The only connection is that they all *** after hiring a prostitute. And searching for love in this **** is Jeffrey...Jeffrey is a sad and lonely man. He hates his ***, he hates his life and all he wants is a woman to shower with love and affection. Socially aw...
蚊字搬运工 2017-07-20
败心 2024-10-14
男人爱上了一个**,而这个**喜欢在**时咬掉她的肉 这部电影有大量的**镜头。血腥
沐夕 2010-03-05
祈祷你的寂寞能**你 找到活下去的理由 即使为它死去也没关系 pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for. ***** enough to *** for.
RyanMakkk_ 2022-08-28
血浆 女主大块吃肉 不挑食 男主助纣为虐 帮女主找人然后处理后事 最后死于女主嘴下 很享受的那种
鲸 2012-08-13
不错的一部电影吧,较一般的血腥电影= =还是有点人性的。