「We start by considering the possibility that we're dealing with a jealous woman. He thinks he has some sort of control over the jealous woman. Until something goes wrong and she gets loose.」「What am I doing now may be irrational. Maybe it is foolish. But I gotta do it.」
Granite_花花 2016-09-15
paradiso 2013-02-18
剧情平庸也就看人和摄影(Nestor Almendros)。Roy演心理医生花白头发眼镜一戴不留胡子,呜呜可酥了,问题是我觉得他和男演员对戏似乎比和女演员来电,结果这里跟美美的梅姨还不如跟演他也是心理医生的**Tandy老太有戏,难怪没人叫他去演爱**
Q·ian·Sivan 2017-11-06
「We start by considering the possibility that we're dealing with a jealous woman. He thinks he has some sort of control over the jealous woman. Until something goes wrong and she gets loose.」「What am I doing now may be irrational. Maybe it is foolish. But I gotta do it.」
余鸟鸟 2010-02-20
我终于来到瀑布 2018-03-03
[] 2019-11-13
阿三 2023-09-17
剧情平庸,一切都很一般。就当看一下Meryl Streep年轻时候的容颜吧,加一星。 SJBD补标
以心 2024-01-03
对希区柯克的拙劣模仿。没想到梅姨年轻时如此适配the hitchcock blonde.
发际线靠后 2021-01-07
Caneloni 2014-06-25
前面的误导铺垫做得有点过了,圆不回去的点太多,最后的反转很坑爹。氛围非常棒,让我想到Cat People。男主(角色,不是演员)很二;以为Jessica Tandy会很有戏,结果是5分钟酱油;两部喜剧不算,这好像是第一次看Meryl正经演femme fatale,**微妙的小表情拿捏得无可挑剔。