Originally titled Kolybelnaya, the 45-minute Lullaby was one of three films turned out in 1937 by legendary Soviet documentarist Dziga Vertov. It was also his last "personal" film. Under fire for not adhering to the Stalinst ***** line of simplified, or "dumbed down" socialist realism, and for continuing to work in his old style of flashy, self-indulgent "formalism," Vertov had...
柏林苍穹下 2011-04-17
1937年,苏***清洗运动下的和谐景象。与 Leni Riefenstahl 相比,维尔托夫与爱森斯坦真是幸运啊。
Mannialanck 2011-03-10
切 2011-04-11
stknight 2013-11-08
看到了伟大领袖***。Originally titled Kolybelnaya, the 45-minute Lullaby was one of three films turned out in 1937 by legendary Soviet documentarist Dziga Vertov. It was also his last "personal" film.