Julian and Jeremy, two brothers known as the "Lewis Twins", prefer to spend their time on drugs and joyriding. When their father, Fatty Lewis, breaks his leg working for local bigwig Bryn Cartwright, they show up demanding compensation. Underestimating the vicious humour of the twins Bryn brusquely refuses to pay for the un-insured Fatty and unleashes a ferocious feud.
第47届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 金熊奖(提名)。
橙子换马甲 2008-02-18
30岁的青春片…… don't understand a word, but definitely a lovely little movie~ and those lovely music~ ending with super furry animals, of course~
X 2016-05-28
Swansea fella. 为啥最后会有这么苦大仇深的走向
≌**** 2019-05-03
Nightwing 2023-12-19
这可能是看过的最美式的威尔士片子,高*能量有Danny Boyle范儿。
小一 2014-02-16
Ambition is "fucking" critical...
Nowaysis 2021-04-12
偶然翻到20年前的本科****,才发现其中包括分析Trainspotting和Twin Town,当时看的是录像带,这么久了都没有想起来收藏这部。
Ash 2019-11-25
因为老詹提了一句,莫名其妙就翻出来给看了,竟然看的很欢乐……威尔士Swansea当地风情画+方言骂**全(要不是老詹旁边解说 几乎听不懂2333)
已注销 2008-02-29
What a fucking film~俺控黑手套啊
三岛游.GIF 2024-05-22
Watched with Keivn Allen together
memento 2013-08-15