谁没有*一样的糟心事,但并非每个人都有天赋,假如有,千万别糟蹋,别像我在茱利亚时那样——明白了这一点,你自然是我最好的学生,连可以盖过乐团的乐声,都显得不那么重要了。达斯汀霍夫曼,what a fine actor,把艺术家的脾气个性演得活灵活现。字幕继续囧,马厩颤**亨德尔好惨
神秘博士 2015-06-17
片尾曲是Josh Groban唱的!久违的声音。
Q·ian·Sivan 2018-10-07
「If you have to cheat, cheat better.」「We all think we know these boys, what goes on with them, but we don't. We don't know a **** thing. We have forgotten what it was like to be them.」「You all are gonna take that sacred, divine music of Handel's and knock it out of the ballpark. I wanna see angels descending from heaven right there in that cathedral. I want people to weep. I want you and your boys to shatter the stained glass windows!」「This is about music. It's about you. It's fifty minutes of your life, and I want you to celebrate yourself.」「To whom it may consern, Stet Tate is the best student I have ever taught.」
telisha 2017-07-18
dawdle 2015-09-30
少年们的声音太清澈,光听练声已经觉得治愈。看完被种**们对手***少年合唱团ˊ_>ˋ 好喜欢Wooli老师,虽然第一次听到他名字的时候出戏地笑了好久。
woodyallen 2015-06-17
谁没有*一样的糟心事,但并非每个人都有天赋,假如有,千万别糟蹋,别像我在茱利亚时那样——明白了这一点,你自然是我最好的学生,连可以盖过乐团的乐声,都显得不那么重要了。达斯汀霍夫曼,what a fine actor,把艺术家的脾气个性演得活灵活现。字幕继续囧,马厩颤**亨德尔好惨
神秘博士 2015-06-17
片尾曲是Josh Groban唱的!久违的声音。
Q·ian·Sivan 2018-10-07
「If you have to cheat, cheat better.」「We all think we know these boys, what goes on with them, but we don't. We don't know a **** thing. We have forgotten what it was like to be them.」「You all are gonna take that sacred, divine music of Handel's and knock it out of the ballpark. I wanna see angels descending from heaven right there in that cathedral. I want people to weep. I want you and your boys to shatter the stained glass windows!」「This is about music. It's about you. It's fifty minutes of your life, and I want you to celebrate yourself.」「To whom it may consern, Stet Tate is the best student I have ever taught.」
空气 2017-02-15
点金 2015-11-15
电影剧情只有三颗星 多加一颗星给合唱团吧
朗姐🌈 2015-12-01
飞机上看的,情节十分的套路,也就为了几句Tallis和亨德尔可以看看,唯一亮点也就是看他们训练了。听说他们团要演《弥赛亚》还期盼了一下,结果只有一小段《哈利路亚》,好没劲。老师给小男孩加写了一段独唱,high D,并不好听。唱是女高配的音,麻烦小男孩口型对好一点好吗.....
叫我夏末Summer 2015-11-09
钱泰勒 2017-02-21
亲爹太有钱 当初怎么会跟stet**那样的人在一起 然后女校长对一个问题少年怎么这么上心