大龄女青透过电影和已逝的父亲和解。对伴侣不信任,透过**和食物宣泄愤怒,备孕期*用**药。Ben那句you Need to know something, we don't have to have a baby. I wouldn't trade you trade us. Not for anything.我也是要泪奔了啊。最后happy ending,UGG拖鞋失而复得。收尾略烂俗。竟然有BEALS
P 2013-09-07
Don't even care how bad the movie is. I saw JENNIFER FUCKING BEALS!!!
YYYs 2015-01-31
***** acting with utterly boring dialogues and loosely arranged music...Well, maybe it's talking about (social) identity, but with the same main cast the idea is so poorly laid out compared to A Night for Dying Tigers.
Shiva Shambo 2015-02-25
大龄女青透过电影和已逝的父亲和解。对伴侣不信任,透过**和食物宣泄愤怒,备孕期*用**药。Ben那句you Need to know something, we don't have to have a baby. I wouldn't trade you trade us. Not for anything.我也是要泪奔了啊。最后happy ending,UGG拖鞋失而复得。收尾略烂俗。竟然有BEALS
P 2013-09-07
Don't even care how bad the movie is. I saw JENNIFER FUCKING BEALS!!!
YYYs 2015-01-31
***** acting with utterly boring dialogues and loosely arranged music...Well, maybe it's talking about (social) identity, but with the same main cast the idea is so poorly laid out compared to A Night for Dying Tigers.
动物本能 2015-07-28
为什么我觉得挺***。虽然有点意识流但是充满了对电影的热爱。我还去查那些片子发现是虚构的。女主和老公及父亲间都有沟通问题,但电影真的可以认识一个人。结尾虽然猜到了但还是美好和感人的。另外厨娘和大人的组合怎能不赞。大人说fucking retard帅呆了。150728
席沧 2020-11-01
西西蓄力中 2019-08-10
柠萌·筱 2020-02-02