A journey through the dramatic and destructive years of the French Revolution, telling its history in a way not seen before - through the extraordinary story of its art. Our guide through this turbulent decade is the constantly surprising Dr Richard Clay, an art historian who has spent his life decoding the symbols of power and authority. Dr Clay has always been fascinated by v...
多 2024-08-01
reneryu 2015-03-31
"Just because you can afford to build the massive monument, that doesn't mean you are actually in control, anyone who can hold a pen, a spray can, they have power too."
蘇捌 2015-05-06
crystal53451 2018-02-17
**大**中宗教与国王塑像如何被毁的纪录片。想到Andrea Chenier剧本里面也提到了**四世和马拉的塑像。
Flower Atop 2016-08-28
塔可饼斯基 2018-05-10
关键词:Vandalism, Iconoclasm, 与大**时期人文艺术的毁灭再造
Nephilim 2021-10-19
Nowaysis 2020-06-15
Iconoclasm,现在看太应景了!***的话总结:Every act of creation is first an act of destruction。
北极燕鸥 2017-07-24
amarcordx 2019-03-13
从艺术的角度看**大**,在雕像的不断推倒和重塑之中是权力的不断更迭。The symbols shape our world and how we understand it, imagine it. For those who control our symbolic world should never take their power for granted, for there is always somebody to pull it down, to smash it. “The act of creation is always first and foremost an act of destruction.”