American goes to Panama on vacation during the celebration of Carnival, only to find himself in a relationship of desperation and violence. A foreign journalist who travels to Panama on assignment for an online publication to cover one of Latin America's premiere festival celebrations... the carnival of Las Tablas.
被和谐惹 2019-11-28
暴躁直男男主异国旅行邂逅异域同性***,结果对方爱得无法自拔,结局就是男主把别人打得头破血流扬长而去(👏👏👏)。开头有男女***(借位),中间有男主solo(fake orgasm),最后有男男**(借位),其他时候你们猜导演在干嘛呢?猜不到吧,在用风景纪录片和男主的dv流水账凑时间。男主长得真的很cute!
张摸鱼🌈 2022-11-11
没看懂,不过cry after ***我真的试过
麦田里的稻香 2024-01-21