是一部几乎每年都会拿出来翻翻的电影,故事的开头总是轻松又可爱,虽然也会经历挣扎或者苦涩,愿我们也度过宁静也有些美好的一生,就像Olaf和Inge那样。 "He knew also that next year, and nearly forever after, there would be one spot in the middle of the field where the wheat grew greener, taller, and **** golden than all the rest. It would be the gravestone made of wheat."
楨 2013-06-23
让鱼冷静一下 2016-04-27
As Inge buries her husband Olaf on their Minnesota farm in 1968, we relive her life story as she tells her grown grandson about how she arrived from Norway in 1920 as Olaf's postal bride and of the epic obstacles they overcame in order to marry
给我吃的就夸你 2016-06-14
As Inge buries her husband Olaf on their Minnesota farm in 1968, we relive her life story as she tells her grown grandson about how she arrived from Norway in 1920 as Olaf's postal bride and of the epic obstacles they overcame in order to marry
**电影 2012-03-08
Vincent 2011-09-30
艾伦 2023-10-29
很淡 很甜 让**会向往这种被安排过的爱情。
本心 2017-01-23
良吉吉Bee 2024-07-03
亚斯赛尔 2023-06-29
一只马扎子 2021-05-12
是一部几乎每年都会拿出来翻翻的电影,故事的开头总是轻松又可爱,虽然也会经历挣扎或者苦涩,愿我们也度过宁静也有些美好的一生,就像Olaf和Inge那样。 "He knew also that next year, and nearly forever after, there would be one spot in the middle of the field where the wheat grew greener, taller, and **** golden than all the rest. It would be the gravestone made of wheat."
楨 2013-06-23
让鱼冷静一下 2016-04-27
As Inge buries her husband Olaf on their Minnesota farm in 1968, we relive her life story as she tells her grown grandson about how she arrived from Norway in 1920 as Olaf's postal bride and of the epic obstacles they overcame in order to marry
给我吃的就夸你 2016-06-14
As Inge buries her husband Olaf on their Minnesota farm in 1968, we relive her life story as she tells her grown grandson about how she arrived from Norway in 1920 as Olaf's postal bride and of the epic obstacles they overcame in order to marry