In Los Angeles, Max and Haley go to a reading and book signing of Kyle, a friend of Max's from New York. Through flashbacks and conversations, we learn that they were **** than casual friends, and Kyle's reappearance throws Haley and Max's relationship into question. Central to the two men's history was a Grand Canyon trip some years before. Max may need to travel that road aga...
蘇小北 2012-05-17
故事架构和那部The Trip非常相似,朋友之间的**又类似于Kompisar、Non Love Song等等这样的短片。其实作为短片,故事显得单薄而不圆畅,易于用力过猛而流于矫作,抻长了又会平板乏味拖沓。说到底,依旧是一种构念上的瓶颈状态,千篇一律的故事,千人一面的情绪,缺乏情节以及之外的新意,观后即忘。
canboon 2010-08-24
He's your best friend,you're the lover of his life...
Nightwing 2009-05-05
Larry Sullivan makes every role so loveable
***** 2011-12-30
The Trip Guy,Straigt guy do no **** ***!玩嘛吗!
黯黠 2013-05-26
俺說畫質這麽差..還真是那個年代的...虐戀T T
Xavier 2023-09-05
ryan 2011-12-21
短片。"you kissed me!!" 弯男对直男的血泪控诉啊~
AlanX 2020-03-10
Larry Sullivan真的太可爱了。这部短片让我想起了《旅程》的结尾,为什么总是这么相似。爱,死亡,旅途,Kyle只想听到Max对那次旅途给他的回答,不管爱与否,让我为你拍张照,哇啦。