love angle;elevator buttons;dustpan; call the news what's wrong; tree houses; silent letters;sml, whoa, easy slow down, stop it, american;free tiny strips of *****; skipping; have it up here they never tell you any earlier; snakes eat spaghetti; ugly pregenant lady, good for you
feelzero 2015-10-19
LEARN to PLAY GUITAR and/or with ** balls
Marci 2015-08-02
湿毛巾 2019-05-28
They don’t want a volleyball just use a human head hhhhh
抖啊抖 2016-09-04
15年那场用了好多这场的老段子 Demetri真是太可爱了干啥都可爱真是可爱极了 还拥有bieber同款柔亮发质 正琢磨12年到15年这3年间发生了什么怎么突然胖了 原来是12年结婚了… 哎nerd humor最萌了
Virgil 2018-03-25
"Confidence!" 材料串联不是有机自然型的,喜欢的人喜欢吧……你们白熊粉的粉丝滤镜也是……
日落可以慢半拍 2018-04-09
love angle;elevator buttons;dustpan; call the news what's wrong; tree houses; silent letters;sml, whoa, easy slow down, stop it, american;free tiny strips of *****; skipping; have it up here they never tell you any earlier; snakes eat spaghetti; ugly pregenant lady, good for you
feelzero 2015-10-19
LEARN to PLAY GUITAR and/or with ** balls
Marci 2015-08-02
湿毛巾 2019-05-28
They don’t want a volleyball just use a human head hhhhh
Harunoumi 2020-06-06
maybe better than seinfeld.觉得小刘会喜欢这场!
AlmostHuman 2015-12-13
自语症 2015-09-07
scatter! 2015-07-18
ybb一般般 但是五官好漂亮 就是发型港