A macho cruiser comes of age. Frustrated by the repetitious grind of one night stands and aimless hustling, study drug dealer Rick is looking for meaning and intimacy in his life. Like his testosterone-tweaked buddies, Rick is a "stray" # lacking a traditional family structure and wrestling subconsciously with the psychological bruises inflicted by his father's absence. Shieldi...
大箱子 2011-06-18
看了这几部VD自编自导自演的片子真是……大哥您心里一定住了个文艺银链小青年吧= =……(喂
selenesun 2011-05-21
. 2015-05-08
铁汉柔情不靠装 这哥们腱子肉里绝对住着纯情少女心……
kitty 2011-06-02
99年的vin 脸稍微胖些了 看着比较舒*了 but 我好像审美疲劳了 他的team 官方宣传片做的还行