《中午洗澡的暴徒》又名Gorilla Bathes at Noon。
A major of Red Army is late for the train that takes Soviet's forces from Berlin. He telephones to Moscow and finds out that his wife has left him and that someone has moved in his apartment. He decides to stay in Berlin and does so by staying in no man's lend between two Berlins. His only property is small tea-urn, parade uniform and white bicycle. His first contacts are with ...
邝子约 2017-12-27
momo 2019-02-13
02 疯狂的隐喻和符号。混合了东西柏林和苏联以及那时候能想到的任何玩意儿的一个大被窝,里面钻了恋情种种的一贯路子。奇遇是电影结束之后遇到了来吊唁的导演的朋友,一起去喝酒聊了蛮多幕后经历