Walerian Borowczyk's 1980 film Lulu was based on the eponymous character created by Frank Wedekind. "Lulu" tracks the rise and fall of a beguiling dancer whose sexuality is tied directly to her fortunes. The titular nymph-like seductress flits from romance to romance, strategically positioning herself for social and financial gain. Each of her lovers embodies a Victorian archet...
UrthónaD'Mors 2015-09-11
和谁有纠葛就会带给谁灾难的lulu ps 这片里的女主真是村。。。这帮男的都是瞎子么
Charlatte 2020-03-20
要是法语还好说 结果找到的资源是德法双音轨配音版……全程只能意会剧情欣赏人物表演了😂
侯老麦 2021-01-23
影 2022-03-27
【01:22:00 DVDRip 720x464 25fps 983.89 MiB】
mdld 2013-09-02