Luminous beings, creatures with their own internal light, enchant and astonish us. Anyone who has seen a firefly or a glow-worm cannot **** but fall under their spell. The sea at night sparkles as millions of luminous plankton reveal the shapes of dolphins in a truly magical light show. But why do animals produce living light? For centuries we could only marvel at the beauty an...
照圆圆 2018-02-12
砼 2018-02-23
五星献给大自然。给双鞭毛虫和介形虫和所有会发光的小伙伴点两百万个赞。#Nature is LIT#
疯盒子里的星光 2017-04-05
“In this dark world, light can be used for camouflage.” 大自然在发着光,爱它的神奇。“What a beautiful world they ******, and what a beautiful world awaits the scientists of the future.”
Grizz 2016-07-02
太美了!这个世界真的充满了神奇! 多想亲眼看那么多的萤火虫和发光的海洋。
王宝宝 2017-08-22
Huiboy 2020-06-25
Anastasia 2022-06-20
防御 引诱 交流 两台摄影机合成的技术真的棒 介形虫的发光**不仅可以让天敌把它吐出来,还会暴露天敌的位置。 萤火虫雌性居然也会引诱雄性吃… 凡尔纳的牛*海也与发光生物有关
vivalavida 2018-01-26
Veran 2021-10-15
Heyyyo 2019-11-23