《圣奥古斯丁》又名Restless Heart: The Confessions of Augustine、Augustine: The Decline of the Roman Empire。
The movie captures the 70-year-old Augustine in 430 A.D. as the bishop of Hippo telling of his conversion to Christianity to Jovinus, a Roman guard captain. In his youth in Roman North Africa, Augustine was becoming a narcissist eager for prominence. After Augustine left the church as a youngster, his mother Monica played the most important role in his reversion back to Christi...
jajajeje 2012-12-05
跟hannah和她的意大利女友去sarratt cinema看的,活活看睡,但hannah最后哭到了情感**,开灯两行清泪挂到嘴边 我只想说宗教力量太大了,因为它真的无聊疯了还cliche,故事augustine的仕女那条主线也无疾而终 被音乐搞哭是常态了.....会否随便一个讲爸爸的破电影也会把我搞哭呢?或许或许maybemaybe
Rita 2013-03-14
没有字幕,看的有点费劲,要有一点背景知识看这部片子才行,譬如说奥古斯丁其实是北非的,是黑人,但片子里却是白人演的。优点较之《Augustine of Hippo》就是画质较好,不过后者是***70年代自己拍的,所以比较正啦~
珩 2024-12-19
想读一遍《忏悔录》了。 饰演Augustine的男演员真是魅力无限,高挺鼻梁下的蓝色双眸中,能同时容纳下性感、野心、张扬、迷惘、圣洁、坦然、悲悯、坚毅等多种气质和情绪.(影片镜头调度也特别棒!)
藍以薰一一 2013-02-01
"A person should not find truth; he should let truth find him." --- St. Augustine in Hippo
IOSEPH IVE 2023-06-11