King Louis **** of France is thrilled to have born to him a son - an heir to the throne. But when the queen delivers a twin, Cardinal Richelieu sees the second son as a potential for revolution, and has him sent off to Spain to be raised in secret to ensure a peaceful future for France. Alas, keeping the secret means sending Constance, lover of D'Artagnan, off to a convent. D'A...
HurryShit 2013-02-27
原始是part-talkie,我能找到的是72min默片。沒那麼star vehicle,形式上也與時俱進一些。為了這個不管對Fairbanks或默片歷史都十分尖刻的「開始」結局,多加了半星。
周树人 2021-04-30
1929.4.5 午后同贺昌群、柔石、真吾、贤桢、三弟及广平往光陆电影园观《续三剑客》。
1105 2024-12-12