John Freeman interviews Carl Gustav Jung, the most famous living psychologist, at his home in Zürich. We learn about Jung's early life, including the moment in his eleventh year when he realized he was an individual consciousness. Jung speaks about his friendship with Sigmund Freud, and explains why the friendship could not last. Jung is asked about his belief in God, and Jung ...
Cheeky Monkey 2021-01-20
CrazyCat 2019-12-25
因为心理学 因为精神分析 因为心理类型 太爱荣老爷子了 竟然找到这部片源 虽然是生肉 还好大部分还能听懂 太开心了
moontreesun 2020-12-11
INFJ 2022-08-03
Morphy 2020-04-09
When I think of ** patients, they all seek their own existence,and to assure their existence to against that complete atomization into nothingness,into meaninglessness, man cannot stand a meaningless life
qingran 2022-12-30
In the light of wise man! 上帝存在在我们每个人的身体中吗?我们能与他对话吗?荣格教授在线为你解答。***做的这种珍贵影像和值得尊敬的文化节目,人类瑰宝。
CHEUNG 2024-03-04
Man seeks his own existence and strives against nothingness or meaninglessness. Man can't stand the meaningless life.