Alex and Cerise tenderly love each other. One afternoon, Alex is assaulted in front of Cerise while they are having a drink at the outside tables. Fear prevents him from reacting. Even though this story remains trivial in Cerise's mind, it makes Alex feel really humiliated. Would his pride prevent him from finding the road to happiness?
Muyan 2011-06-05
*** 跟我大一时候一个*心态 海报上小便池上的海报是8又一半...
半个桃李林檎 2013-03-21
恋爱中的小男人的尊严,这点鸡毛蒜皮的事当然也不值得大书特书,但贵在真实和人情味。Guillaume Gouix的导演**作,青涩中可以睇出些温婉,故事还是讲得很完整。当然有才情走文艺片的路,不过还得找到自己的特色