Vintage musical comedy about a lonely Texas heiress in Paris who masquerades as a member of a model troupe on a luxury ******, hoping to find a man who likes her for something besides her money. But the man hired by her over-zealous guardian to protect her claims that he loves her, in spite of her wealth. Made originally in 3-D, the film features an early appearance by Kim Nova...
巽凌 2020-09-06
#(Fergie Fer!)Comment Allez-Vous(—Très Bien Merci — ** Vous — ** Vous— ** Vous— ** Vous— ** Vous),Mal De Mer# Good Morning,Heartache(Oui,I May Need Some Billie Holiday,Too):Jane Russell Can't Save The Day(Only I Could)Cast:Gilbert Roland;Mary McCarty;Joyce Mackenzie P.S. 透过粉白色的乌干纱的天空,飞过的是一群哀悼的家鸽