This classic film is based on a classic Urdu short story 'Aanandi' by Pakistani writer Ghulam Abbas. It deals with a brothel at the heart of a ****, in an area that some politicians want for its prime locality. They rally up against the brothel and its inhabitants in the name of morality, and soon everyone in the area jumps on the bandwagon. The politicians offer to put up an a...
**禁言时分 2021-02-01
美术绝赞~乐。回去补了Ghulam Abbas的Aanandi,发现这个电影剧情是魔改的。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。高贵的老爷们为了创建文明城市赶走了劳动人民,劳动人民从荒废的土地建造出活力满满的市集聚落,再度被驱逐,真是讽刺效果拉满。