新电影集合为您提供92班:联赛梦未成 第一季,在线点播,迅雷下载。
The ex-Manchester United stars known as the Class of ’92 are going on a new adventure. They’ve bought a football club seven tiers down from the Premier League with a dream of taking it up to the top. This new series brings unique access into the lives of Ryan Giggs, Phil and Gary Neville, Paul Scholes and Nicky Butt, following them at home and at work as they start out on their...
BUS 2022-12-05
Sonnet Yuan 2015-11-02
If you are familiar with football, you would find its luster
圈哥 2017-09-11
本片讲述五位**传奇球星在退役后收购英国第八级联赛球队Salford **** FC连续两年拼搏升级的故事。看完之后你就会明白中国和一个足球强国之间的差距。在英国职业半职业和业余联赛有十一级,总共有超过1000支球队。国足想进步,任重而道远啊...
洛梦蝶 2016-09-17
***拍摄的两集纪录片,讲述**92代几位老哥们收购当地的Salford *******,并且作为老板参与***日常运作包括换帅等重大决定,最后目睹球队在2014-15赛季夺得第7级分组联赛冠军升级的全过程,我们目之所及的总是足球塔尖的风光,但跟随这些我们熟悉的人物的视角深入基层