《观鸟者》又名The Observer。
The immaculate beauty of the northern landscape. Life naturally and harmoniously passes by in a woodland preserve where Alexandra has long lived and worked, and it seems the opportune spot for starting up a relationship with a young ornithologist named Peeter. But a heated dispute between them creates near unappeasable resentment on both sides. Although they get over their feel...
熊仔俠 2012-10-12
劇情雖然狗血,但是就「鳥」的命題而言,男主角的理性和女主角的母性形成了微妙的衝突。孤獨似乎是Arvo Iho的核心命題。《再一個微笑》表現的是孤獨的排他性。而這部《觀鳥者》卻反過來表達出孤獨的普遍性——我孤獨得要命,只要靠近的是個人,我就有打破孤獨的必然性。