On the last months of life of the famous revolutionary, politician, President of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviet Republic. "Our film - an attempt to show how the ideas of communism, psychology, infatuation that turns people into merciless killers. The idea of burning the Communists in all human and for them there is no specific living people around, and there a...
熊仔俠 2012-03-07
政治一泓濁水,趟得不夠道行,輕則不得善終,重則冚家蕩產。Leonid Maryagin還是有點本領的,剪輯和構圖上挺有心思。電影提及到托洛茨基的女兒Zina的部份可以作為我之後觀看《幽草》的引子。
小.莹.子 2011-01-18
sam sun推荐的电影看完后总会觉得热血沸腾,可是现在又有谁愿意去做站起来反抗的第一人?
都昌坊口 2020-01-15
Leon Trotsky - The Life of a Revolutionary