Originally released directly to video in 1995, Alice in Wonderland is a 46-minute animated film based on the classic novel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. The movie was produced by Jetlag Productions and was distributed to DVD in 2002 by GoodTimes Entertainment as part of their "Collectible Classics" line. A young girl named Alice was tired of sitting by the...
《爱丽丝梦游仙境》根据英国作家**斯·卡罗的同名原著改编,***将作者奇幻的想象搬上大银幕,杯子会自己倒茶、会吐烟圈也会说话的毛毛虫、动不动就要**脑袋的红心女王、癫狂的三月兔、来无影去无踪的柴郡猫等都会让观众大吃一惊 。
MRVN 2021-01-16
nothingtosee 2014-03-31