If you haven’t seen it yet, The Control ****** is a collaboration between famed found-illustration animator, Run Wrake (creator of SOTW film, Rabbit), and the image library, Veer. Created using only CSA archive images, the story involves a secret giganticator device that allows a normal woman to increase in size and save the **** from dangers. When the device falls into the wro...
熊仔俠 2012-10-24
天花亂墜小「大片」;Run Wrake是個挺有想像力的動畫導演。作品不多,**在今天因癌離世,RIP……
paradiso 2020-06-28
想起了神作《兔子》,点开导演页面发现他年纪轻轻就去世了,一共就没几部作品,可惜。拼贴巨制,莫非是个巨大广告,全部图片和字体素材均来自CSA Images ***.csaimages****/ 哈
小爱 2022-04-18