The following half-hour documentary, Jusqu'** 23 juillet (Until July 23), juxtaposes The Fire Within with its literary source, Pierre Drieu La Rochelle's Le feu follet, a 1931 novel on the final days of dadaist writer Jacques Rigaut.From 2005, it includes actor Mathieu Amalric, writer Didier Daeninckx, and Cannes film curator Pierre-Henri Deleau and was directed by Noël Simso...
Säger 2016-09-13
"a secret language we share" / Mathieu讲的一些镜头想法很*中 / 萨蒂串起了原著和影片/ 夜晚巴黎的行走
周八的柿子 2017-05-22
贾克.里古特——德里欧 .拉罗舍尔——**.**。“每条进步和探索之路都通向死亡,条条大路通**”,“**”只是将“死亡(mort)”反过来拼写(法语)。