Shanghai is a 1935 film directed by James Flood, produced by Walter Wanger, distributed by Paramount Pictures, and starring Loretta Young and Charles Boyer. The picture's supporting cast features Warner Oland, Alison Skipworth, Charley Grapewin, Olive Tell and Keye Luke, and the running time is 75 minutes.
mango 2018-11-06
"Someday, prejudice may ***, convention go stale. Men will be judged not for their creed or color, but for their merits. We may not live to see that day. I pray God we will." 电影于1938年中旬由Paramount上交德国**部和宣传部,通过后于9月份首映,***觉得电影很无聊没有看完,却得到德国媒体的好评,没有/不敢注意到电影内容与****官方意识形态相违背。(The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact with Hitler, by Ben Urwand)
江梅曾许 2023-09-30
tehom 2019-08-10
Warner Oland一个瑞典人常扮演中国人角色;Boyer**人扮俄满混血;Young依旧是大**,貂皮富丽;毫无上海特色的布景。