《大篷车电影院》又名Kino Caravan。
On a rainy day, two guys arrive in a small village with film and a projector in their car. No one from the village comes to meet them. What happened? Who are they? The not knowing relays no small amount of interest at times through tension as in a horror movie, and at times through compassionate laughter.
hfxxx 2024-09-21
这个片子讲的是Tavi的成长,Tavi一开始不知道怎么树立威信,也不知道怎么追女孩子,还跟老年gl学念诗、讲故事,后来发现原来根本不需要追;没有中字还是极其困难;这个片子的绝大多数时间都是轻松愉快的,给人的感觉是《****故事集》一样的,看到结尾才发现导演呈现的是一个相当黑暗的图景,有点像《Ryna》,然后才回过味来开始反思缓慢释放的恐惧;设定在1959年的rural Romania,但是整体*化道还是太新了一点